Mohamed Taha, Khadra, Fatima | Toubi Ya Nafs (Sono Cairo, 1966)


At the risk of turning this into the 24/7 Mohamed Taha blog, we offer today yet another single featuring the Man of 10,000 Mawawil, except in this case, our hero doesn't begin the pyrotechnics until 4:14 into the song. 

Despite Taha's star turn -- and it really is one of the most stunning vocal performances we've ever heard -- the song is carried by Khadra and Fatima, who sing in a kind of unison throughout. Unfortunately, we're not sure which Khada is on this recording: Egyptian folkloric singer Khadra Mohamed Khidr or the somewhat more obscure Khadra Bukhati. As for Fatima, your guess is as good, and most likely better, than ours. The label only provides first names for each.

Whatever the case, this is one of the most stunning singles we've ever heard. What do you think?

(Listen to "Toubi Ya Nafs")


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